· tutorial  Â· 1 min read

Data management for Quantum Computing

Tutorial on Quantum Data given by Dr. Rihan Hai

Tutorial on Quantum Data given by Dr. Rihan Hai


Quantum computing has emerged as a promising tool for transforming the future paradigm of data management. Classical problems in database domains, including query optimization, data integration, and transaction management, have recently been addressed using techniques from quantum computing. This talk will provide a comprehensive overview of current research efforts leveraging quantum technologies to address these classical database issues. We will also explore a less studied but equally crucial direction: data management for quantum computing. We are currently in the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) era, characterized by qubits that, while promising, are fragile and still limited in scale. We will discuss the data management and engineering challenges posed by these near-term quantum processors and innovative strategies that can facilitate the integration of quantum computing into existing data management frameworks. By bridging the gap between classical database problems and the emerging needs of quantum computing, this talk aims to shed light on the synergies and potential advancements at this interdisciplinary frontier.

Date and Location

The expected measurement with respect to time is 25th September, the location cannot yet be measured. Keep tuned for the results of the actual measurements of this event.

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